start-up, entrepreneur, careers
The ultimate guide to creative business ideas
You know you want to be an entrepreneur and run your own business. You can feel it in your bones.
You know you want to be an entrepreneur and run your own business. You can feel it in your bones.
A creative business idea (or two) is central to successful entrepreneurship. New data demonstrates that Australian entrepreneurialism is currently at record highs. Whilst Xero reports that new Australian businesses will employ 6% of the national labour market. Doesn’t it excite you to be a part of that?
The only problem is, you’re not quite sure what kind of business you want. Which is a vital part of starting your own business.
Never mind, we’re here to help. Below, we’ve curated some of the best tips on how to come up with that stellar business idea. There are also some terrific creative business ideas to get your innovative juices flowing!
Five ways to come up with great business ideas
‘Million-dollar ideas are stumbled upon constantly by people who think in the right way. They don’t hold special powers; you can replicate their success.’
Read the full article here
Six ways to come up with your ultimate business idea
Coming up with a creative business idea doesn’t have to be complicated. Considering nearly 350 000 new businesses entered the Australian market during 2020, lots of people are doing it, and there’s no reason why you can’t too.
‘If you look around your house or workplace, you’ll see a huge number of problems or mundane tasks that could potentially be made easier by a new product or service. If you identify an issue that someone else hasn’t already solved, chances are there will be a market for it.’
Here are some helpful and unique ways to generate that game-changing business.
8 ways to come up with a business idea
You’ve heard the expression ‘look for a niche,’ but what does that actually mean, and how can you shape it into a business idea? And how can you apply your existing skills to a business venture?
Discover these eight ways to fashion a business idea into reality here.
55 creative business ideas
From pet sitting to personal training to graffiti removal to wedding planner, this is the ultimate list of proven business ideas.
Scroll through and see which ideas catch your eye. Choose the most appealing one (or two) and learn how to construct this business with our nationally accredited business courses that help you articulate and enact your idea.
Check out the list here.
60 small business ideas for anyone who wants to run their own business
If the list above wasn’t enough to inspire you, we’ve found another colossal list that will motivate you like never before. And if nothing stands out on this list, it’s sure to get you thinking about what it is that you do want to do by coming up with your own idea.
‘The first step to becoming a successful entrepreneur is finding a business idea that works for you. In this article, you’ll find dozens of small business ideas you can start from home and scale up as your clientele grows.’
Read it!
Not sure if your creative business idea will work? Our Diploma of Business (Business Development) and Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business contain modules to help you devise a business and marketing strategy as well as ascertain the financial resources required. Whilst our Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business contains a thorough module to help you investigate business opportunities. This includes how to conduct market analysis, seeking professional assistance, how to write a business plan, customer marketing research, market trends, trends analysis, identifying emerging markets, establishing business growth and more.
So you don’t have to fly solo when starting a new business.
Learn more about our business courses by booking a free consultation with one of our education managers below.
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There is a predicted boom in small businesses in Australia. Now is the most exciting time to join the world of business. ‘A strong expansion in the Australian economy is underway. This is expected to continue over the forecast period, despite the.