study online, employers in Australia, careers
Questions You Must Ask Before Starting A New Job

An offer letter is perhaps one of the most precious things in the world, especially when you are waiting for it to pop in your inbox for days. No matter at what stage of career you’re at, it’s never just a document, but something that acknowledges.
An offer letter is perhaps one of the most precious things in the world, especially when you are waiting for it to pop in your inbox for days. No matter at what stage of career you’re at, it’s never just a document, but something that acknowledges your value personally and appreciates it professionally. What’s important, is to relish that incredible feeling, revel in it, but then pull back and get thinking.
Joining a new place is a critical move for your career.
Before you make this commitment remember to ask these 5 questions.
We all have certain expectations from ourselves and our careers. We know where we want to be one day. So ask yourself will this job help you get there? By choosing this are you on the right path, heading towards your goal? If the job fits the bigger picture you have visualised for yourself, then go ahead, sign that letter! If you think you can do better, and may be a course can help you find a superior role, feel free to speak to our course consultant.
This is a tricky question. Since everyone thinks they deserve the best, salary might never seem enough. However, you must evaluate the offer against your education, work experience and the market trends.
If you feel it doesn’t match your expectations, then either negotiate or reject the offer. You don’t want to be demotivated and compromise with your career even before you start. Take a look at your resume and see if you want to boost it further. Relevant education and skill can definitely help you get a higher package. Explore our courses for a better idea on where to start.
This is a question you must ask your new boss. We know you would have probably discussed this at length during the interview, but it’s always recommended to have your roles and responsibilities put down in writing. It’s the best way to confirm you’re signing up for the same responsibilities that were advertised and discussed with you in the interview. You don’t want to experience scope creep. A common situation where tasks keep adding up to what was originally agreed upon. It might lead you to feeling overworked, underpaid and looking for a change again.
Clear communication is extremely critical for a healthy work relationship and what’s a better time to do it than at the beginning. Ask your future employer clearly about the expectations around your schedule and communication. It’s common in some jobs which are related to support or otherwise to be available at odd hours and weekends. This schedule is often compensated with a higher salary or more vacation days. Check if that’s the case with
your new job.
When you start, you should also know where you’re headed. A place where you have room to grow and get promoted will help you stay motivated, and work towards achieving the next target and position. To begin with, an organisational chart can give you an idea of your current position and probable room for growth. You can also ask your supervisor about lateral movement, like transferring to a different department or team. Lateral promotions may not always come with a salary increase, but they can broaden your skills and network within the company.
Accepting an offer letter is a commitment you’re not just making to an organisation, but also to yourself.
It’s important to stay true to your goals and begin right. Each answer will make you feel more confident about your decision, so you can give your 100% to your new job, and wake up every day as excited as the day you opened up that mail.
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